The Simple Solution to Validate Email Addresses in Real-time and Improve Email Deliverability

Melissa Global Email Verification can remove up to 95% of bad email addresses to increase deliverability, avoid high bounce rates and blacklisting, and protect your valuable sender reputation.

  • Ping each email in real time to ensure it is active and can receive mail to ensure a successful campaign.
  • Improve deliverability by correcting typos, misspelled domains, and illegal characters that lead to high bounce rates.
  • Reduce fraud by confirming only valid, not fake emails enter your systems.
  • Protect your web reputation by avoiding email addresses and domains that are likely to flag you as a spammer.
  • Maintain CAN-SPAM compliance with FCC mobile domain detection.
  • Check against domain authentication protocols SPF, DKIM and DMARC.
  • Identify a business or personal email based upon the domain.

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Real-Time Email Mailbox Verification

Two levels of service are available depending on your speed & accuracy needs.

  • Global Email Premium provides real-time email mailbox checking domain-specific logic as well as SMTP commands and other proprietary mechanisms to validate inboxes are live. This can take up to 12 seconds per email address. Our built-in “time-to-wait” option allows you to customize how long you want customers to wait for a real-time validation.

  • Global Email Express sacrifices accuracy for higher speeds than Premium by using a cached inbox validation database of known good and bad emails. All emails sent to the service will also be cached so they can be re-evaluated within a 90-day cycle.
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Email Verification - Real-Time Email Mailbox Verification
Email Verification -  Syntax Correction

Syntax Correction

Identifies common syntax errors, illegal characters, parses individual components, and standardizes casing.

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Domain Correction

Verifies domain name against a database of known good and bad domains. Corrects thousands of misspellings for the most popular domain names. The correction table updates and grows monthly as we continuously add more well-known domains. Melissa detects over 5,700 misspellings for the top 26 domains used globally

Email Verification - Domain Correction
Email Verification - FCC Mobile Domain Detection

FCC Mobile Domain Detection

Global Email is enhanced with a list of mobile domain names updated by wireless service providers. This feature assists in maintaining CAN-SPAM compliance by indicating mobile email addresses that marketers are prohibited from subscribing without permission.

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Deliverability Confidence Score

Returns the probability [0-100] % of an email sent to a mailbox will be successfully delivered.

This score will range from 0-100. The higher the number, the higher the chance the email is “deliverable.” Determines the probability of emails reaching the mailbox of your recipients. Email records with a high percentage are more likely to reach the mailbox. We suggest filtering by result codes first, then performing a second filtering based on scores to refine results.

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Email Verification - Deliverability Confidence Score
Email Verification - Privacy Flag

Spamtrap Flags

Identifiers for two types of spam traps that could harm your web reputation and ultimately prevent your emails from reaching your target audience. We recommend avoiding these mailboxes and domains that are set up to flag you as a spammer and ruin your web reputation, especially for marketing campaigns. Keep a sparkling clean web reputation to ensure your long-term digital campaign’s success.

Privacy Flag

The top level domains or countries that may be sensitive to privacy laws. Returns Y for yes and N for no. Handle emails with a Y in privacy flag with caution.

The Privacy Flag will show a “Y” if the Top Level Domain might adhere to privacy laws such as GDPR. For example, the Top Level Domain “.de” is a German Top Level domain. Any Top Level Domain that end with a “.de” will have a “Y” in the Privacy Flag field. Any Top Level Domain that does not adhere to privacy laws will have an “N.”

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Email Verification - Privacy Flag

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Email Verification

Email Solutions to Improve Deliverability

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